Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
The birth of a new child is something celebrated and beforehand anticipated by the family with thoughts and prayers for a healthy child and a safe and successful pregnancy for the mom. I just found out that my nephew, Andrew and his wife Becca are expecting their first child in August. We are blessed as brothers and sisters in Christ when we are expecting a new birth in our church family through the sacraments of initiation. We are called to support the candidate (or if it's a child, his or her parents) in the time leading up to their new life through water and the Holy Spirit, and rejoice with them on the day it finally happens.

During the season of Lent, the Church offers various "Rites" and "Presentations" for those who are preparing for the sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil that happen during our Masses. I spoke at the Sunday Masses last weekend about the three "scrutinies" and "exorcism prayer" that is offered for these people on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sundays of Lent after the homily. We will, on those week-ends (March 2-3, 9-10, and 16-17), be using the readings from Cycle "A" that includes the stories of the woman at the well (John 4: 4-42), The curing of the man born blind, (John 9: 1-12) and the raising of Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-44). During the scrutinies the congregation at Mass is invited to first pray in silence asking that the Elect will be given a spirit of repentance, a sense of sin, and the true freedom of the children of God (Rite #162). What follows are intercessions for the Elect and then the prayer of exorcism. Our Elect, Kyle Carter and Barbara Meyer then return to the pew and the Mass continues with the collection and bringing forth of the gifts for preparation for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Right now the plan is that each of our three weekend Masses will have one of the scrutinies, so that our whole community can pray as described above for our Elect, at these special liturgies and throughout the Lenten Season. During the week after the first scrutiny and then after the third scrutiny the Elect will be presented at a weekday Mass (before some of our community) the Creed and then the Lord's Prayer (respectively) and be charged to start preparing to recite them (by memory and heart) at the Easter Vigil. I pray that many of you will appreciate that we all have a responsibility before, during, and after for these future faith family members and if possible be there to celebrate with them their new life in the Lord and in His Church at the Easter Vigil. It is a blessing to each one of us in our life in the Lord to do sol! Please note: We will have the first scrutiny next Sunday at the 10:00 Mass!