8:00am |
9:00am |
[9:45am-11:00am] Cemetery Committee Mtg. (Classroom D)
- Description:
- Committee Mtg.
[9:45am-11:15am] The Eucharist in Scripture Bible Study (Classrooms A&B)
- Description:
- LouAnn Kemper, 469-323-2505, lkemper1of9@gmail.com
[10:30am] Rosary Makers (Classroom C)
- Description:
- Marge Newburn
10:00am |
11:00am |
12:00pm |
1:00pm |
2:00pm |
3:00pm |
[3:30pm-5:00pm] The Eucharist in Scripture Bible Study (Classrooms A&B)
- Description:
- LouAnn Kemper, 469-323-2505, lkemper1of9@gmail.com
4:00pm |
5:00pm |
6:00pm |
[6:00pm-7:30pm] The Eucharist in Scripture Bible Study (Classrooms A&B)
- Description:
- LouAnn Kemper, 469-323-2505, lkemper1of9@gmail.com
7:00pm |