[All day event] Bishop McDonald/Catholic Charities Golf Tournament (Diamante Country Club, HSV)
- Description:
- This year's annual golf tournament which is the main fundraiser for Catholic Charities of Arkansas will take place for the first time at Diamante Country Club here at Hot Springs Village. Please mark your calendar for Monday, October 18 and make plans to get a team of players together (for a four person scramble) or sign up as an individual and we'll hope to get you on a team. Our parish will help subsidize the entry fee for our Sacred Heart of Jesus golfers up to a certain number of players. Your cost will be $85.00 More information will follow!
8:00am |
9:00am |
10:00am |
[10:00am] LOSH Wine/Cheese Committee Meeting (Classroom C)
11:00am |
12:00pm |
1:00pm |
[1:30pm-3:00pm] Walking With Purpose-"Reclaiming Friendship" (Classrooms A, B, D)
- Description:
- Cathy Kraus
2:00pm |
3:00pm |
4:00pm |
5:00pm |
6:00pm |
[6:00pm-8:00pm] Walking With Purpose "Reclaiming Friendship" (Classrooms B & D)
7:00pm |
8:00pm |