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The COVID pandemic has changed how we do things, but by thinking outside of the box and using FORMED resources, we may continue to grow in our faith. FORMED is transforming lives. Please consider checking it out!
The officers voted to donate a total of $5000.00, equally split among St. John's School, Our Lady of Fatima School, Samaritan Ministries of Hot Springs, and Jackson House. The officers wish you a Blessed and Holy Christmas and hopefully, a Covid free New Year.
If a parishioner took an Angel and, for whatever reason, cannot return the gift by December 6, please call Claudia Keearns (922-3832) so that another gift can be purchased. The giftss will be inventoried Monday, December 7, and any missing gifts will be purchased from Food Basket funds. We want to insure that each child receives four gifts and Angels not returned means that a child will be short a gift.
Boxes of Christmas gifts will be delivered between December 10 and December 19. Schools will be out of session for the holiday season, so volunteers must contact their recipient families before December 19. If there is a problem with delivery, the respective school's counselor is the person to contact. The Food Baket Committee will help in any way possible.
~ Sharon Board ~
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), physical fitness is defined as 'the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure-time pursuits and respond to emergencies.' Based on this definition, fitness involves everything from getting out of bed to hiking to performing CPR.
In order to complete all of these tasks, one must consistently address their fitness levels. This required proper conditioning through both structured exercise and leisurely activities. Research has shown that it is especially important to get all four types of exercise: Endurance, Strength, Balance, and Flexibility.
I am sure that most if not all of you are aware that SHJ offers Fit ' Balance Classes every Tuesday and Thursday. We now have available slots open from 10:00-11:00 a.m. and 1:00-2:00 p.m. Due to Covid-19 restrictions the maximum amount of people that can attend is 28 per class. We are taking every precaution to ensure that when attending the classes, everyone is in a safe enviorment.
If you are interested in attending, please either email or call me. Come and see what it is all about. Everything we do in the classes can be modified to suit your personal needs.
Looking forward to seeing you very soon.
Linda Broome
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Tickets (limited to 75 total for social distancing) have been presold. We hope to see all who can't attend the Christmas brunch in January, where our "Something Extra" will be "Feed the Filly," a collection of notions and toiletries for the traveling women at Oaklawn. We will continue to keep you posted with all LOSH related activities in the coming year. In the meantime, we wish ALL members of LOSH a Blessed Christmas season!!
The Social Justice commission is comprised of Helping Hands, the Rosary Makers,
Shawl Makers, Family Assistance and Respect Life. The commission also directs
the charitable giving of Sacred Heart in the community.
Parish Life is comprised of Knights of Columbus, Ladies of the Sacred Heart, Men's Club,
Singles, Sociable Six, Faith & Health, Bowling, Newcomers, Spades 'n Games and
more. The commission utilizes these committees, as well as, communication tools such
such as the parish website and FaceBook to increase social wellbeing and health in the
parish and out in to the community.
The terms are for 2 years. I am delighted to go over what is involved and answer any questions you may have about possible serving. Please call Rebecca Huber at 501-844-7656.