Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
LOSH LOGOLadies of Sacred Heart (LOSH) will hold their next general meeting on February 8, 2021, in the Lower Hall, immediately following the 9:00 a.m. Mass.  Mask and social distancing will be required.  No food or drinks will be provided.  Our program for the meeting will be "Postcards from the Past, the History and Collecting of Post Cards," presented by or own Judy Gallagher.  Having inherited a large collection of post cards from her ancestors, Judy shares her extensive research on postcards.  What to bring (besides your smile)?  Cash!  We will be selling raffle tickets ($1 each or 6 for $5) for four baskets of goodies.  And of course, we'll pass the Blessing Basket.  You are free to bring a drink and any food (not to be shared) that you would like to consume at the meeting.  We hope to see you there!
My Dear Brothers in Christ,

The 11th annual Arkansas Catholic Men's Conference will be held this year on "Super Bowl" Saturday, February 6, 2021.  The theme for this year's conference will be "Are you man enough to be like Jesus?"  A theme that will call all men to become the father, husband, son and brother that God wants us to be!  Our speakers this year will be Father Stephen Gadberry, Father Mauricio Carrasco and Deacon Danny Hartenedy.

Due to the continued threat of COVID-19, this year's conference will be virtual.  A link for the conference will go live at 9 a.m. on Saturday, February 6, 2021.  Despite not being able to meet in person, I'm confident that as in years past, this will be an exceptional conference that will not only challange the men of our Diocese but will also inspire and equip them with insights, perspectives and tools to become the Godly men our families and our society needs today.

Since the conference will be virtual this year, perhaps you could encourage watch parties in homes or in the Parish Hall.  Please be mindful of the CDC and our Diocesan guidelines with respect to Social Distancing and masks due to COVID-19.

Each year, the Arkansas Catholic Men's Conference has been a wonderful event for men across our Diocese to kick off the new year inspired to grow in their faith.  Please encourage the men of your Parish to register today at, follow us and participate in this years conference.

In this year that we celebrate Saint Joseph, faithful husband of Mary and courageous foster father of Jesus, let's ask his intercession for us and for this conference.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Anthony B. Taylor
Bishop of Little Rock
Fish fry 1The Knights of Columbus will be serving a Take-Out Catfish Dinner on Friday, March 12 between 4:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. at the Lower Hall of the Church.  Come enjoy a Catfish dinner prepared by Chef Ken Silvers and crew for only $12.00 with net proceeds benefiting local charities.  This is TAKE OUT ONLY.    There will be sign-up sheets in the Narthex for planning purposes or contact Russell Tessier at 225-955-4596 and register for this delicious meal including Fried Catfish, Baked Potato and Cole Slaw.  There will be over 200 hundred meals prepared.

Please pick-up your order anytime between 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.  Patrons should enter the parking lot of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church by turning off Balearic onto Ponderosa Lane where attendants will direct you to pick up your meals.  Please pull up to the door and receive your meal(s) in exchange for your check payable to the Knights of Columbus or cash in the exact amount of your order.
formed logo semiboldIf you perused the calendar, "Devotions to our Lady" that our parish distributed to us for 2021, you realized it holds valuable information on the rosary.  Would you now like to go to another level of praying the rosary?

Dr. Edward Siri, a Catholic speaker and author of the book, "The New Rosary in Scripture" has a video on FORMED that is just over an hour long titled, "Praying the Rosary Like Never Before."  In his lecture Dr. Siri provides biblical insights on praying the twenty mysteries.  He also shares Pope St. John Paul's practical strategies for better praying the rosary so you can encounter Jesus more deeply in prayer.  Go to the subtitle "Prayer at Home: on to obtain this video.
KneelerPlease help your pew sanitizers by putting your kneeler down after the Saturday 4:00 p.m. Mass and the 8:00 a.m. Mass.  This allows us to know which pews need to be cleaned.  Thank you!
2020 Catholic School scholarshipSo far Sacred Heart parishioners in total have donated $6,555.00 to this fund, which will greatly assist some of our neediest families in providing a Catholic School Education for their child or children.  Thank you from the Bishop, Superintendent, myself and all those who will reap the benefits for a lifetime (and really for an eternity).  It's NOT too late to give.  Send donations to:

Office of Catholic Schools:
Diocese of Little Rock
2500 North Tyler Street
Little Rock, AR 72207

Please put scholarship fund on the memo line of your check.
arkansascatholicbannerBUY TWO  GET ONE FREE!!  Give a print subscription to Arkansas Catholic, mailed with faith and love all year long.  We'll send a card to the recipients telling them of your gift starting in December, and they'll get their first issue soon after.  For more information or free digital subscriptions, call 501-664-0125 or vist  This offer expires December 31,2020.  You can even start or renew your own subscription in this special offer.  Send your order to:  Arkansas Catholic Gift Subsriptions, P.O. Box 7869, Little ROck, AR 72217.

Nine Day Novena

The protection of life is a sustained prayer intention of the Church, and in particular of the Knights of Columbus. Knights remain firmly committed to defending the right to life of every human being – from the moment of conception to natural death. To commemorate and bolster this important cause, our Knights of Columbus Council 10208 is sponsoring a Nine day Novena for Life from January 19, 2021 through January 27, 2021. All parishioners and Knights are invited to participate in the Novena.

The Novena plans for each day of the Novena and the "Gospel of Life" prayer written by Saint John Paul II have been added to Sacred Heart's website for access by all parishioners.

helpinghandsHelping Hands Ministry recognizes that at sometime everyone needs help coping with sudden illnesses or unforeseen circumstances.  Our volunteers realize that our prayers, care and support for those in need make a big difference in outcomes.  We stand ready, willing and eager to assist registered parishioners at turning points or emergency situations, providing help until problems are resolved or until other solutions are found.  If you are a parishioner who needs assistance from Helping Hands.....
  1. We can not help you if we do not know who you are or that you need help.
  2. We can not help you if you do not call us.
  3. We will do our very best to serve you safely and confidentially.
Please call a coordinator for assistance or if you have any questions call Cathy Wedwick at 501-915-8456 OR Pat Widlowski at 501-922-1395.
2020 St. Bartholomew LRThe diocesan initiative One Church invests each year in a small mission church in our diocese that needs a leg up to become a thriving community.  The 2020-2021 partner is St. Bartholomew Church in Little Rock.  All funds donated to One Church for the next 12 months will help the parish build a new Parish Life Center, which they currently don't have.  Please pray for this project and give today.  To give or for more information:
Pew SanitizerWould you be willing to help sanitize pews after the Saturday 4:00 p.m. Mass or the Sunday 8:00 a.m. Mass?  Three helpers are needed per Mass and it will take 10 - 15 minutes.  We would like to sign up enough volunteers for you to be assigned only once or twice per month.  For more info or to volunteer, please contact Linda Durrett at 972-768-1574 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
formed logo semiboldWhen the New Year arrives, it usually results in many individuals trying to improve their lives by making resolutions.  They seek to make changes in hopes it will increase their happiness.  If you are interested in personal growth, search on FORMED.ORG under audios and explore the faith for an inspirational talk by Robert Spitzer, SJ, a renowned phiosopher.  His practical discussion in "Four Levels of Happiness" provides the keys to achieving the happiness that is given to every person by God.  You may also wish to listen to "The Truth" by Fr. Larry Richards.  In his audio about the meaning of life, he tackles life's biggest question with "straightforward, timeless and often jolting answers."  Father Richards "unlocks the mysteries of our existence and opens our hearts and souls to the meaning of life."  Listening to "The Truth" will provide concrete answers on how to live your life.
Crocheted CrossThere will be homemade, decorative, crocheted crosses made by one of our parishioners available in the Narthex after Masses this weekend.  There is a suggested donation of $2.00 per cross, with the proceeds going to Sacred Heart of Jesus Church General Fund.  There are many beautiful colors to choose from.
LOSH LOGOThe genereal meeting scheduled for January 11, 2021 has been canceled due to the governor's most recent requests with respect to large gatherings.

Our panelists, who were scheduled to address Spirituality in the New Year and in the Time of COVID will prepare their remarks, as well as responses to any member's questions that have been sent by email, in writing.  Those remarks will be distributed to the membership - by one method or another! - as an encouragement to persevere in prayer in these challenging times!  Please watch your email for notices and encouragement.

You may bring your Filly Feed bag and your Baby Shower items to the narthex over the weekend of January 9th and 10th.  We'll continue to stay in touch by LOSH email!  Please stay safe, careful, and healthy.
Mens Club LogoThe officers of the Men's Club have decided to cancel the Men's Club Meeting that was scheduled for January 12 due to the surge in Covid-19 cases in Arkansas.  Hopefully we will be able to meet in February and also hopefully be able to put on our "Fish Bake and Take" fund raiser on February 19, the first Friday of Lent.
March For LIfeOn Sunday, January 17, 2021 Bishop Taylor will preside at our annual diocesan Mass for Life.  The Mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral of St. Andrew in Little Rock at 12:05 p.m.   This Mass will also be live streamed on the Diocese of Little Rock You Tube channel ( to allow anyone to watch online.  Unfortunately, because of  Corona virus, there will not be a Eucharistic Procession for Life or a Hearts for Life Conference in 2021.  Arkansas Right to Life, March For Life has been postponed for Sunday, January 17th.  Please contact the Respect Life Office (501-664-0340 extension 326) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.