Some facts about the parking lot Mass which is now celebrated every Saturday, 2:30 p.m. and fulfills your Sunday Obligation:
- It is a way to attend and participate in Mass AND receive Holy Communion without leaving your car (or if you wish you can bring a chair and sit at a safe distance from others without wearing a mask).
- If you stay in your car, you can hear and hopefully see the Mass no matter where you are in the parking lot. Just leave your ignition on and tune to FM 88.1 (you don't have to have your car running and a good battery WILL NOT be affected).
- You can park in a way that is comfortable for you to get your car in and out. Parking attendants will help.
- When Fr. Bill or the E.M. comes to your window for Holy Communion, put your cupped hands close to the window or just outside the window.
- Bulletins are passed out as you enter the parking lot and attendants will accept your stewardship offering in a large basket.
- If you think you will need to run your motor for a/c or heat, please locate to one of the back parking spaces. The parking attendants will try to keep the rows of cars spaced out for safety reasons.