Tuesday evening there was a second mass conducted by the Most Rev. Anthony B. Taylor, Bishop of the Diocese of Little Rock which includes the entire state of Arkansas. In his homily Bishop Taylor recognized Fr. Bill’s significant accomplishments and the assistance he has received over the years from his family and fellow priests. Assisting Bishop Taylor were nine other priests including Fr. Bill Elser. The other priests were either previous Pastors of Sacred Heart or close friends and associates from Fr. Bill’s past. Included were Fr. Vic Bielerle, Fr. Tom Keller, Msgr. Bernard Malone, Fr. James Melnick, Fr. Mike Nolan, Fr. Raja, Fr. Tony Robbins and Fr. Raymond Rossi. Also assisting during the mass as alter servers were four nieces and nephews, the children of Joe and Angie Elser, Fr. Bills brother and sister-in-law. The children participating were Ashley, Stephen, Jonathan and Christopher Elser. Mathew Post served as the Deacon. Mr. Post is a cousin of Fr. Bill’s and was the deacon serving at Fr. Bill’s ordination 25 years ago.
Following the evening mass there was a reception hosted by the Parish Life Commission of Sacred Heart Parish. Hot and cold hor d’oeuvres were available along with three anniversary cakes that had been prepared by parishioner Mary Parks. During his brief remarks at the reception Fr. Bill thanked all who came and participated, told that he always remembers the date of his ordination because it was his parents wedding anniversary and then led the group in singing which is a favorite activity of Fr. Bill.