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March 2023
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Calendar

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Parish Men's Retreat (Little Rock)
9:45am» Floral Work Session (Flower Closet)
12:15pm» Music Education (Classroom C)
1:00pm» Singles Hand & Foot (Upper Hall)
1:00pm» Spades and Table Games (Upper Hall)
5:00pm» Mass
5:45pm» Lenten Supper & Michael Cumbie Video Hosted by Singles (Lower Hall)
6:00pm» REY - PreK/8th Grade (Classrooms)
9:30am» Rosary Makers (Classroom B)
9:45am» The Eucharist in Scripture Bible Study (Classrooms A&B)
3:00pm» Health and Wellness Ministry (Classroom D)
3:30pm» The Eucharist in Scripture Bible Study (Classrooms A&B)
6:00pm» The Eucharist in Scripture Bible Study (Classrooms A&B)
6:15pm» K of C Video Presentation (Upper Hall)
9:00am» First Friday Mass/Devotions
9:45am» Floral Work Session (Flower Closet)
4:30pm» Stations of the Cross
Wednesday Lenten Supper SignUp (NARTHEX)
KofC Fish Fry SignUp (NARTHEX)
9:00am» FIrst Saturday Mass/Devotions
11:00am» Centering Prayer Group (Classroom A)
4:00pm» Mass (Food Collection - Jackson House)
KofC Fish Fry SignUp (NARTHEX)
Wednesday Lenten Supper SignUp (NARTHEX)
Second Sunday of Lent
8:00am» Mass (Food Collection - Jackson House)
10:00am» Mass (Food Collection - Jackson House)
10:00am» Mass (Food Collection - Jackson House)
3:00pm» Eucharistic Holy Hour & Confessions
9:00am» Mass
9:30am» Grief Ministry Session (Classroom D)
9:45am» LOSH Board Meeting (Upper Hall)
1:00pm» Floral Work Session (Flower Closet)
1:00pm» Shawl Ministry (Classroom D)
5:00pm» KofC Council 10208 General Meeting (Lower Hall)
5:00pm» KofC Council 10208 General Meeting (Lower Hall)
9:45am» Floral Work Session (Flower Closet)
10:30am» Caregiver Support Group (Classroom D)
12:15pm» Music Education (Classroom C)
1:00pm» Singles Game Day (Upper Hall)
1:00pm» Spades and Table Games (Upper Hall)
5:00pm» Mass
5:45pm» Lenten Supper & Michael Cumbie Video Hosted by LOSH (Lower Hall)
6:00pm» REY - PreK/8th Grade (Classrooms)
9:30am» Rosary Makers (Classroom B)
9:45am» The Eucharist in Scripture Bible Study (Classrooms A&B)
3:30pm» The Eucharist in Scripture Bible Study (Classrooms A&B)
6:00pm» The Eucharist in Scripture Bible Study (Classrooms A&B)
9:45am» Floral Work Session (Flower Closet)
6:00pm» Stations of the Cross
KofC Fish Fry SignUp (NARTHEX)
Wednesday Lenten Supper SignUp (NARTHEX)
11:00am» Centering Prayer Group (Classroom A)
4:00pm» Mass (Food Collection - Jackson House)
KofC Fish Fry SignUp (NARTHEX)
Wednesday Lenten Supper SignUp (NARTHEX)
Daylight Saving Time Begins
Third Sunday of Lent
8:00am» Mass (Food Collection - Jackson House)
10:00am» Mass (Food Collection - Jackson House)
10:00am» Mass (Food Collection - Jackson House)
10:00am» Mass Intention for Rose Drale-Campbell
10:00am» Mass Intention for Rose Drale-Campbell
3:00pm» Eucharistic Holy Hour & Confessions
9:00am» Mass
9:45am» LOSH General Meeting (Lower Hall)
3:30pm» Organizational Mtg./KofC/Doyle
6:00pm» Boomers Rock Private Event (Lower Hall)
5:00pm» Men's Club Monthly General Meeting (Lower Hall)
9:00am» Finance Council Meeting (Classroom D)
10:00am» LOSH Funds Distribution (Classrooms A&B)
12:15pm» Music Education (Classroom C)
1:00pm» Singles Hand & Foot (Upper Hall)
1:00pm» Spades and Table Games (Upper Hall)
4:00pm» KofC O&D Meeting (Classroom D)
5:00pm» Mass
5:45pm» Lenten Supper & Michael Cumbie Video Hosted by Men's Club (Lower Hall)
6:00pm» REY - PreK/8th Grade (Classrooms)
9:30am» Rosary Makers (Classroom B)
9:30am» Village Cancer Walk Meeting (Classroom A)
9:45am» The Eucharist in Scripture Bible Study (Classrooms A&B)
3:30pm» The Eucharist in Scripture Bible Study (Classrooms A&B)
6:00pm» The Eucharist in Scripture Bible Study (Classrooms A&B)
5:00pm» KofC Fish Fry (Lower Hall & Kitchen)
6:00pm» Stations of the Cross
KofC Fish Fry SignUp (NARTHEX)
Wednesday Lenten Supper SignUp (NARTHEX)
11:00am» Centering Prayer Group (Classroom A)
4:00pm» Mass (Food Collection - Jackson House)
KofC Fish Fry SignUp (NARTHEX)
Wednesday Lenten Supper SignUp (NARTHEX)
Fourth Sunday of Lent
8:00am» Mass (Food Collection - Jackson House)
10:00am» Mass (Food Collection - Jackson House)
10:00am» Mass (Food Collection - Jackson House)
3:00pm» Eucharistic Holy Hour & Confessions
9:00am» Mass
9:30am» Grief Ministry Session (Classroom D)
2:00pm» Celebration of Life Reception for William Shank
3:00pm» ALTTA Board Meeting (Classroom D)
3:00pm» Guild 6 Book Club (Classroom D)
9:45am» COR Group (Classroom D)
12:15pm» Music Education (Classroom C)
1:00pm» Spades and Table Games (Upper Hall)
5:00pm» Mass
5:45pm» Lenten Supper & Michael Cumbie Video Hosted by LOSH Guild 7 (Lower Hall)
6:00pm» REY - PreK/8th Grade (Classrooms)
9:30am» Rosary Makers (Classroom B)
9:45am» The Eucharist in Scripture Bible Study (Classrooms A&B)
3:30pm» The Eucharist in Scripture Bible Study (Classrooms A&B)
6:00pm» Lenten Reconciliation Service
6:00pm» The Eucharist in Scripture Bible Study (Classrooms A&B)
9:45am» Social Justice Commission Meeting (Classroom D)
11:15am» Youth Faith Formation (All Classrooms)
6:00pm» Stations of the Cross
KofC Fish Fry SignUp (NARTHEX)
Wednesday Lenten Supper SignUp (NARTHEX)
11:00am» Centering Prayer Group (Classroom A)
4:00pm» Mass (Food Collection - Jackson House)
KofC Fish Fry SignUp (NARTHEX)
Wednesday Lenten Supper SignUp (NARTHEX)
Fifth Sunday of Lent
8:00am» Exemplification, Upper Hall (Upper Hall)
8:00am» Mass (Food Collection - Jackson House)
10:00am» Mass (Food Collection - Jackson House)
10:00am» Mass (Food Collection - Jackson House)
11:15am» Youth Faith Formation (All Classrooms)
3:00pm» Eucharistic Holy Hour & Confessions
LOSH Charity Golf Scramble (Cortez Golf Course)
9:00am» Mass
9:30am» Grief Ministry Session (Classroom D)
11:00am» Sue Behling Funeral Mass
9:45am» Liturgical Environment Committee Meeting (Classroom D)
10:00am» K of C Founders Day Breakfast
1:00pm» Spades and Table Games (Upper Hall)
5:00pm» Mass
5:45pm» Lenten Supper & Michael Cumbie Video Hosted by Knights of Columbus (Lower Hall)
5:45pm» REY Dinner Hosted by KofC (Upper Hall)
6:00pm» REY - PreK/8th Grade (Classrooms)
9:45am» Cemetery Committee Mtg. (Classroom D)
9:45am» The Eucharist in Scripture Bible Study (Classrooms A&B)
10:30am» Rosary Makers (Classroom C)
3:30pm» The Eucharist in Scripture Bible Study (Classrooms A&B)
6:00pm» The Eucharist in Scripture Bible Study (Classrooms A&B)
4:30pm» Stations of the Cross
5:00pm» KofC Fish Fry (Lower Hall & Kitchen)