Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
AnniversarySacred Heart honors couples married 50 years or more, as well as, married 25 years, give or take a few years.  This special celebration is scheduled for Valentine's Day, February 14, 2020 with Bishop Taylor celebrating Mass.  The Parish Life commission is seeking volunteers to help make this event super special.  If you wish to volunteer your time, talents, ideas and suggestions, please attend our first planning meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 22, after the 9:00 a.m. Mass, Classroom D.  For questions call Cathy Silk, 501-922-2062, ext. 17.
Mens Club LogoThe next meeting of the 2019-2020 year for the Sacred Heart Men's Club will be on Tuesday, January 14, at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall of the church.  At 5:00 p.m. you may join others in the Upper Hall to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for family, Church, our nation, world peace, and your personal intentions.  Social gathering in the Lower Hall is from 5:00 to 5:45 p.m.  Dinner will be served before 6:00 p.m. 

After dinner, we will have a short business meeting.  Remember to sign up with Danny Murphy at the meeting to participate in our "Meals on Wheels" program during the month of February.  The dinner for the evening will be Pork Loin with Sangria Sauce, salad, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, rolls and ice cream for dessert.  The cost of the dinner is $12 per person and will be catered by employees of Chef Johnna.  Any man who is member of Sacred Heart Church or any non-Catholic husband of a wife who is a member of Sacred Heart Church, is invited to attend.  New members eat free by paying the $15 membership fee.  Contact Bill Patterson by phone at 922-8631 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 3:00 p.m. Sunday, January 12, if you plan on attending and eating with us.
Spaghetti DinnerThe Knights of Columbus will be serving a Spaghetti Dinner on January 18, following the Saturday evening's 4:00 p.m. Mass.  Come enjoy a Spaghetti Dinner prepared by Chef Ken Silvers and crew - served family stype - only $9.00.  Tickets will be sold at the door but advanced sign up in the Narthex is required for planning.  Sign ups begin the weekend of January 4/5.
AnointngThe Sacrament of the sick will be offered at the 9:00 a.m. Mass on the First Friday of January, Friday, January 3, 2020.  This Sacrament of healing and peace is for those with chronic and/or serious health problems, as well as, the elderly whose weakened condition puts them at risk for sudden and even life-threatening illnesses.  Come feel the comforting touch of the Lord and the powerful grace of the Holy Spirit!
Fit n BalancedLinda Broome invites ALL parishioners to her newly revised Fit 'n Balanced fitness class.  This core stability and chair structured class will focus on maintaining balance, conditioning and toning.  Fall prevention and strategies for overcoming an unstable gait (ambulation) will be touced upon nearly every class.  Linda brings fun and excitement to her classes and makes a personal goal to see that everyone enjoys her class.  Come and try it out.  This class meets on Tuesday & Thursdays from 10:00-11:00 a.m. beginning January 7, 2020.  Please feel free to bring your own light hand weights as supply is limited.
SingersVoices Rising is thrilled to be invited back to Sacred Heart on Sunday, January 5, prior to the Crockpot dinner to present "Rejoice."  The ensemble will sing a variety of seasonal music, from the sacred "Hodie Christus Natus Est" to a nostalgic medley of your favorite childhood family Christmas carols.  Of course, there will be an opportunity for all the great Sacred Heart singers to sing along on several hymns of the season.  

Well-known HSV area soloists and members of Voices Rising Marc Bremer, Ruth'e Korelitz and Denise Steinhaus have prepared special solos for this concert.  You will not want to miss Sacred Heart's own Bill Lamoureux as "Good King Wenceslas."  

The concert will begin at 3:30 the Main Church.  Whether or not you are staying for the Crockpot dinner, Voices Rising would love to share its love of music with you, especially during this most special season.  A good will offering will be taken.
Rosary2Our Advent Rosaries are again available.  Look for them in a basket in the hallway between the A&E Building and the Narthex.  The Sacred Heart Rosary Makers make these available FREE of charge.  They make beautiful and unusual Christmas gifts.  Please help yoursef.
EpiphanyOur annual Epiphany Crockpot Dinner will be held on Sunday, January 5, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall.  Please sign-up to attend and bring your favorite crock pot meal to share, as well as a serving utensil.  Recipes are always welcome to accompany your dish.  The sign-ups will begin at the Christmas Masses and end on New Year's Day.

We will play, "Secret Santa Bingo" after dinner, so please bring a wrapped gift.  If you have questions, please contact Cindy Lefler at 501-915-2761.
ChristmasThe Wednesday Spades group and Singles Hand and Foot players will have their annual Christmas Season party on Wednesday, January 8, 2020.  If you want to participate in Dirty Santa, bring a wrapped gift, cost around $10.  We will play cards for a hour or so, take a break and have the gift fun.  If your turn, bring snacks to share.  Then we will finish up with playing cards.  We hope all players will plan to join us this afternoon of fun.
Mens BreakfastPlease join other men of the parish for breakfast and camaraderie on Monday, January 13, 7:30 a.m., at Debra's restaurant in the Village, 198 Carmona Road.  Great food, good conversation and fellowship for men of the parish.  If you need a ride, please call Bob Bowman at 501-922-6619 or Randy Schnoeblen at 501-204-9178.
baby bottleThe KofC 10208 has completed their 2019 Baby Bottle Campaign.  We thank all parishioners for their generosity.  The recipients of the funds will be grateful for your continued support.  If you still have one of the baby bottles, please return it to Sacred Heart of Jesus with or without a donation.  Please place the bottle in the basket on top of the cabinet in the narthex.  We are missing approximately 55 bottles.  Please contact Bob Bowman for any questions at 501-922-6619.
2019 Angel Tree
Food Basket Committee Photo credit: Sheila Harrison
There are a few Angels remaining on the Giving Tree for taking, giving, donating and wrapping.  A BIG thank you for everyone who has already taken an Angel from the Giving Tree.  Over 50 families are being helped to have a better Christmas.

Sunday, December 8, is the last day to drop off your wrapped package.  Please return the purchased gift to the tree in the narthex, wrapped with the Angel attached.  Please be sure the Angel is "gift description" side DOWN so that the child will not know what is inside the package.

If you have taken an Angel and, for whatever reason, cannot return the gift by December 8, please call Claudia Keearns at 501-922-3832 so that another gift may be purchased.  The gifts will be inventoried Monday, December 9, and any missing gifts will be purchased from Food Basket funds.  We want to ensure that each child receives four gifts and Angels not returned means that a child will be short a gift.  Thank you for your continued generosity and attention to these details.


On October 2, 2019, 130 parishioners and friends of Father Bill Elser gathered to celebrate his 60th Birthday. It was held in the lower hall of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church.  Fr. Bill has been a Priest for over 33 years and Sacred heart's Priest for the past 10 years.

God bless the Parish and all those who helped in making this such a wonderful party especially Parish Live, Cindy Lefler and Cathy Silk for coordinating the festivities.  They involved the whole Parish from the Spiritual Bouquet, the reading of the famed Priestly Hands prayer and organizing the Parishioners to bring potluck side dishes and desserts. Johnna Westerman catered the roasted turkey breast and honey baked ham.

To celebrate his Birthday, a beautiful Birthday Cake was displayed for all to see (and to taste).

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The Sacred Heart's Choir sang Maureen Morgan's rendition of the 1959 top song Bobby Darin's, "Mack the Knife" with the new title "Father Bill."  Lynne Border played it and all sang it just like Bobby Darin's version including the 'shout out' at the end of the song, "Look out for that birthday guy!"

Bonnie Lennen & Betty Mierzwiak donated an Energizer Bunny to resemble some characteristics of the cherished Birthday Priest.  The Energizer Bunny would have a hard time keeping up with Fr. Bill!!

Fr. Bill was also presented with a framed print of the prayer, "Beautiful Hands of a Priest".

There were many gifts for Father from the Parishioners, family and friends including a Spiritual Bouquet from the Congregation along with a rosary of his favorite Saint Padre Pio.

Sacred Heart has been blessed to continue to have Fr. Bill as its Priest. 
thank you 1Let me assure you prayers work!  I went into my surgery truly feeling united to each and everyone of you in prayer (that is called the Communion of Saints).  Two hours later the surgeon said everything went just fine, only a triple bypass, he couldn't find anything else to fix.  I am progressing in my recovery, had my first post surgery visit with the doctor and he said everything looked excellent, numbers were perfect and I was way ahead of schedule.  I have received hundreds, literally hundreds, of cards from all of you (only 2 duplicates, how is that possible?) and I treasure each one.  Hope to be back full time soon but I am going to take it slow.  May God Bless and Care for each one of you, you are always in my prayers.  

                                                                                                                                    ~ Deacon John ~
Mens Club LogoThe next meeting of the 2019-2020 year for the Sacred Heart Men's Club will be on Tuesday, January 14, at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall of the church.  At 5:00 p.m. you may join others in the Upper Hall to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for family, Church, our nation, world peace, and your personal intentions.  Social gathering in the Lower Hall is from 5:00 to 5:45 p.m.  Dinner will be served before 6:00 p.m.  After dinner, we will have a short business meeting.  Remember to sign up with Danny Murphy at the meeting to participate in our "Meals on Wheels" program during the month of February. 

The dinner for the evening will be Pork Loin with Sangria Sauce, salad, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, rolls and ice cream for dessert.  The cost of the dinner is $12 per person and will be catered by employees of Chef Johnna.  Any man who is member of Sacred Heart Church or any non-Catholic husband of a wife who is a member of Sacred Heart Church, is invited to attend.  New members eat free by paying the $15 membership fee.  Contact Bill Patterson by phone at 922-8631 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 3:00 p.m. Sunday, January 12, if you plan on attending and eating with us.