Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
2014 soup and sandwichThe Lenten soup, sandwich and video series started on Wednesday evening, March 12, at Sacred Heart of Jesus.  The event began with a 5:00 p.m. Mass after which the 185 participants gathered in the Lower Hall for a light supper and video by nationally known evangelist Michael Cumbie.  The video was a prelude to the actual apperance of Michael Cumbie in person for a Lenten Mission at Sacred Heart Church on March 23 to 25th.  The Mass, soup and sandwich, and video event will take place each Wednesday evening during Lent. Visitors are welcome to attend the Wednesday events, but please use the sign-up sheets in the narthex of the church or call the church office at 922-2062.  No sign-up is necessary for the Lenten Mission.