Eucharistic Adoration

The following times with Jesus are currently available in the Adoration Chapel: 

  • Thursdays and Saturday, Midnight – 1:00 am. (His mercies are new every day.  Experience that mercy in the first hour of a new day. Call Lorie Vincent at 337-654-2871) 
  • Thursdays 9:00 am (Chapel closed when there is 9:00 am Mass--put Mass OR Adoration on Thursdays on your calendar!) Contact: Ann Bowman at 501-316-6672) 
  • Fridays 11:00 pm (What better way to end a full day or begin a weekend?) Contact: Don Ritter at 224-659-5001
If you have any questions about hos to receive your blessing, call Kathy Clark, Adoration Coordinator at 203-816-7737.