LOSH LOGO COLORPlease visit www.hsvlosh.com for more information.

March 18:  Wine and Cheese Tasting and Raffle, 4:00-6:00 pm, Lower Hall.  Tickets $20.00 (includes one raffle ticket).  Additional Raffle Tickets $10 each or 3/$25  Raffle Prized include:  Four Gift Packages (Value $250 each); Six Half-Gallons of Fr. Bill's Ice Cream; Stained Glass created and donated and created by Karen Feckler (Value $250.00);  Featuring an open auction for a Dinner Cruise for six on Lake Balboa:  Donated by Mke & Anne Webster.  All net proceeds benefit LOSH charities.  For tickets contact Barbar Sweeney 501-226-5028.  

Save the date for Women's Retreat, March 28th 10:00-2:00.

Aluminum cans are being collected for recycling to benefit LOSH charities.  Place in the trailer in church parking lot.

Pull tabs from aluminum cans are being are collected for Little Rock Ronald McDonald House.  Place on table in hallway of church.  Collecting pull tabs is a great way to help children and their families at Ronald McDonald House across the country.  They are able to raise thousands of dollars each year through these simple donations.  We collect pull tabs from any soda or beer cans, pet food cans, vegetable, fruit and soup cans.