Pastoral Search CommitteeThe Pastoral Council of any Catholic parish is made up of parishioners who are practicing their Catholic Faith and are open to being elected or appointed to serve a two or three year term to consult the pastor on important matters that have to do with the mission of the parish.  Meetings are held every other month and agendas come to the members in advance of the meetings.  Members are encouraged to serve on one of the parish commissions; Liturgy, Education, Social Justice and Charitable Outreach, and Parish Life, all of which help carry out particular ministries as a help to the pastor.  Whether you have been a parishioner a short time or quite a while, we are looking for a little of your time to help this parish and become all that the Lord wants of us in our baptismal calling.  It is a great way to meet and get to know fellow parishioners and the pastor (now Fr. Bill) and appreciate the workings of a parish in Mass and outside Mass as well.  Elections will take place in November, so PLEASE, pray about it and act soon by calling Chris Cash at 922-1933 or Fr. Bill at 209-2502 to express an interest and/or get more information.