2021 FEAST of Sacred Heart ArtworkThe fellowship of parishioners and guests was very evident as we gathered in the Lower Hall after a beautiful 5:00 p.m. Mass on Friday, June 11th.  The Feast of the Sacred Heart, coupled with the recognition of our Pastor Fr. Bill Elser's 35th Anniversary of Ordination was our reason for gathering over 200 people.  The evenings events provided an informative history of our Parish as well as Fr. Bill's journey...and then there was song.  Our fabulous choir performed a personalized rendition of "He's Been Everywhere, Man" that had everyone singing, swaying and smiling.  The socialization was off the charts as we gratefully enjoyed the company of many, including 7 of Father's siblings as well as his mom...we savored a delicious meal and sweet, sweet cupcakes for dessert.  

Special thanks to our Parish Life Comittee Bonnie Blue, Gerald Krawczynski and Debbi Passaglia as organizers of the event.  Shoutouts to Janet Liszka, Maureen Morgan, Lynne Border and the Choir, the Knights refreshment center Rick Hylden and Gilbert Duran.  Slide show presentation by Rick Darnell.  Room set up by Danny Elser, decorations provided by Karen Feckler and the Webster clan.  Photographer and Videographer Rennee Steinpreis, LOSH Kathy Clark for desserts and cake for Fr. Bill as well as Parish Finance Council Dave Witchger and ALL the people who made the evening special.

There is now a specific link on our parish website www.hsvsacredheart.com if you want to view the program including a special song that was sung.