The Sacred Heart Men's Club is preparing to have its annual Fish Bake this year on Friday, March 5. The meals will be prepared for take-out only due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The meal will consist of Tortilla Crusted Tilapia, Roasted Potato Wedges, Specialty Green Beans, roll, and for dessert, a large brownie, supplied by the Ladies of Sacred Heart. Cost of the meal is $15.  As an option, Men's Club members will deliver to your location, for a fee of $10 per delivery, two or more dinners. Have a neighborhood social distance party and we deliver the meals.

There will be three-time frames in which to pick up your dinners. 4:30-5:00 pm, 5:00-5:30 pm, and 5:30-6 pm. Delivery of meals to your location will be on a similar time frame. Everyone, not just Sacred Heart Members, are welcome to purchase a meal and pick it up or have it delivered.

There will be a signup sheet in the narthex starting on February 6 to reserve your meals. You may pay for the meals by leaving your check in the basket next to the signup sheet. You may also call Bob Bowman at 501-922-6619, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to make your reservation and send payments for your meals to him at 16 Isabella Way, HSV, AR 71909.

Please consider helping the Men's Club support their local charities by participating in this year's Fish Bake, one of only two fund raisers for the year.