helpinghandsHelping Hands Ministry recognizes that at sometime everyone needs help coping with sudden illnesses or unforeseen circumstances.  Our volunteers realize that our prayers, care and support for those in need make a big difference in outcomes.  We stand ready, willing and eager to assist registered parishioners at turning points or emergency situations, providing help until problems are resolved or until other solutions are found.  If you are a parishioner who needs assistance from Helping Hands.....
  1. We can not help you if we do not know who you are or that you need help.
  2. We can not help you if you do not call us.
  3. We will do our very best to serve you safely and confidentially.
Please call a coordinator for assistance or if you have any questions call Cathy Wedwick at 501-915-8456 OR Pat Widlowski at 501-922-1395.