BabyOnce again, the Respect Life committee is inviting you to participate in the Spiritual Adoption Program.  You are asked to pledge to pray daily for nine months for a baby in danger of abortion.  While this child will remain unknown to his or her "spiritual parents," many people have found that by naming "their child" helps to keep them focused on the reality that their prayers are helping to save the baby (and the mother) from the harm of abortion.

Everyone benefits from the Spiritual Adoption Program.  While it is not always possible to see the particular effects of prayer, we know through Scripture and by faith, that God wants us to pray-in this case for babies and their families, and we know that He answers all prayers.  You will pray daily for this baby-that he or she will be carried to term and experience the fullness of life-a life that our Heavenly Father gave him or her.

At the end of the nine-month prayer program, a baby shower is held and participants bring new baby items such as disposable diapers, formula, clothes, layette items, and other baby articles.  These items are then donated to a local pregnancy center to help mothers in need. So, aside from the spiritual benefits, the Spiritual Adoption Program helps in a tangible way as well.

The program begins April 30.  Beautiful prayer cards with a simple ten-second prayer will be available in the narthex. Please place them on your refrigerator to remind you to pray for your "spiritual child."