helpinghandsWe are inviting all interested parishioners, as well as our dedicated Helping Hands volunteers, to attend our Appreciation and Information Dinner on Thursday, April 27, at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall.  Plan on joining us for a delicious dinner of garden mix salad, tri-tip tenderloin, twice baked potato, green beans and fresh strawberry shortcake.

There is no greater ministry than to fulfill Christ's command, "Love Your Neighbor."  Helping Hands has as its mission:  "Caring for each other and extending a helping hand for the moment when a helping hand is needed."  Opportunities abound for our volunteers to offer a helping hand and to perform works of mercy here at Sacred Heart.  Whether you have done many jobs during the past year, or whether you simply served by waiting for the call, please plan to attend!

If you are considering volunteering and need more information, we invite you to join us for dinner and our celebration of all the good we do for our parish family, a family united in Christ's love by caring for each other.  As always, your spouse or special guest is also welcome.  Sign-up sheets for the Appreciation Dinner are in the narthex.  Please sign-up by April 24.