BabyThe babies we "spiritually" adopted back in April, are due to be born January 9, 2017. To welcome them into the world, we are planning a "Parish Baby Shower."  All parishioners are invited to participate.  Please purchase a baby item and bring it to the church, UNWRAPPED, beginning Saturday, January 7, and no later than Monday, January 16.  The Ladies of the Sacred Heart can consider this their "something extra" for January and bring the gifts to the general meeting.  A display area will be set-up in the narthex where the gifts can be left.  Items needed include:  diapers (preemie size included), crib sheets, blankets, clothing up to 18 months, bath items, diaper bags, formula (Enfamel Gentlease or Similac Sensitive).  The donated items will be sorted and then delivered to Catholic Adoption Services in Little Rock and local Pregnancy Help Centers in Hot Springs, Benton and Malvern, based on need. Please help us sort baby items on January 16 at 9:45 a.m. if you can.  We need more hands.  Call Edie Gray at 922-4694 if you have questions or need additional information.  Your donations are appreciated.