Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
PlanIn late 2015, eleven parishioners established an endowment for Sacred Heart Church to provide an annual payment to the church for charitable outreach programs.  At present, this endowment is $12,500 and will provide an annual payout of $500 (4%). The larger the endowment amount, the larger the payout for charitable use.  This endowment was set-up under the HSV Community Foundation and is under the fiduciary care of the statewide Arkansas Community Foundation.  Anyone can contribute to this endowment. Please consider this endowment for a donation of any kind, and please include the Sacred Heart Church Endowment in your will when doing your estate planning.  Please consult the church website ( under the Parish information tab for more information about the Endowment, or call Carolyn Bowers, 915-8022.