The Sacred Heart Rosary Makers are off for the summer months of June, July and August.  We will begin our fall meetings on Thursday, September 10, after the 9:00 a.m. Mass.

RosaryWe have had another great year, sending out a total of 33 boxes to the missions. The total rosaries sent this year came to over 7,890.  This brings our grand total, since we began making rosaries, to 70,180.

Copies of letters we receive from the missions can be read in our folder by our rosary tree.  Rosaries on the tree are for anyone wishing to use a rosary, and they are also there for you to keep if you need one.

As busy as we are making rosaries, we never have enough to fill all of our requests, and we are always looking for new members to join our fun group of making rosaries.  For more information about the Rosary Makers or to join us, call Delores Griffin at 226-5647.