oremus bundleOREMUS is a program that teaches participants the use of the Bible in prayer which will begin during the week of September 29 at Sacred Heart and extend for eight weeks, ending the week of November 17.  There will be one 60-90 minute meeting each week that will include a video presentation and discussion of the biblical texts selected for the week. There will be four groups gathering, each with its own facilitator.  All meetings are held at Sacred Heart.  These groups include:

Paula Doyle Mondays 2:00 p.m.
Karen Ruebush Tuesdays 9:45 a.m.
Tom Canavan Wednesdays 6:00 p.m.
Don Ritter Thursdays 9:45 a.m.

Each participant will need a Bible and the OREMUS workbook; the workbooks cost $15 and will be distributed at the first meeting.  Sign-up sheets will be in the narthex through September 21.  Those who participated in the OREMUS last year are encouraged to repeat and deepen their experience of the program this fall. The workbook will be the same as the one used in 2013 when OREMUS was first offered.  Those signing up for OREMUS for the first time should indicate on the sign-up sheet that they will need a workbook.