choirBritish researchers recently surveyed 375 people who sang in a choir, sang alone, or played on a sports team. All of these activities contribute to emotional well-being, but people in choirs reported feeling happier than those who belted out tunes on their own.  Chorus members also rated their choirs as more meaningful social groups than athletes did their sports teams.  Studies show that the physical synchrony, acting in time with others, of choral singing could promote feelings of unity. ( 2914)

We will soon begin our fall choir program at Sacred Heart. Perhaps you previously sang with a chorus, a church choir or even like to sing in the shower.  Consider joining one of our choir programs soon!  Contact Diane Patterson for the Saturday night choir, 922-6965, or Lynne Border, 231-881-4472, for the Sunday choir, Resurrection choir or as a week-day or weekend cantor.  Come-join in the fun and help us "make a joyful noise unto the Lord!"