Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas


Click here for information on the Knights of Columbus Charity Golf Tournament held on Saturday, June 15, 2024.

I would like to begin this homily by throwing out some descriptive phrases and get your input on whether they speak positively or negatively about someone.  The first is referring to someone as being "beside himself or herself".  Is that positive or negative about the person.  How about referring to a person as being "Full of It." It depends. If the "it" is the Holy Spirit than it's not only a positive thing but a great thing.  How about speaking of someone as being always "on the move" or "on the go".  I think you would agree that that sounds positive.    

In fact that is something you could say about people you have personally known or still know, it is certainly something you could say about Jesus.  As we celebrate his Ascension, you could say correctly that he was "on the move" to heaven.  The scriptures describe it as an upward movement.  And yet It is also very true and worthy to ponder the fact that Jesus was "on the move" long before this happened and has continued "on the move" since his Ascension.

Even before his birth he was on the move inside his Mother Mary's womb when she visited her cousin Elizabeth and when Mary went with Joseph to Bethlehem for the Roman census right before Jesus' birth.  After his birth, he was on the move as Joseph took him and Mary to Egypt to escape the murderous plot of Herod.  Then in his ministry, it is easy to recall and say that Jesus was constantly on the move to proclaim the Good News and to heal the sick.  A few times when the disciples wanted him to stay in a certain location, he would resist and say, "We must move on."  Sadly, Jesus was" on the move" as he carried his cross to the hill of Calvary where he died for us and for the redemption of humanity. Even before his resurrection, he was "on the move"  to the realm of the dead, Sheol in Hebrew, where he freed the holy souls who were imprisoned there until he redeemed and saved humanity by his death on the cross.  And as we have heard in the Easter season and in our Little White book, Jesus, the risen Lord was "on the move" in his appearances to the apostles and various others who became witnesses of his resurrected life.And as we will be reminded next week and celebrate .....Jesus is still on the move through the Holy Spirit who was unleashed on the world and upon all believers.

Well, I hope by now you are not tired by all this movement of Jesus, because he has a message and a challenge for all of us here and all believers: "Let him move in and through us" throughout our entire lives and thus prepare us for the greatest movement of all, the move from this life to the life that keeps on going and moving for all eternity in heaven.

I know some of you might be inclined to shoot back and say, that the effects of age have hit or are hitting to one extent or another, and therefore you might be tempted to say: "I am not able to be "on the move" like I used to". While that may be true for some. if not all of us,  I want to share with you an example of someone who was "on the move" even while largely being confined to a bed. The person was Marcella Walter, a charter member of this parish, who died last Saturday at Village Springs Nursing Home.  I recognized in this faith-filled person the Lord keeping her moving in a number of important ways. Firstly, she exuded a confidence that she would soon be moving from this life to the company of the Lord and the saints in glory, though she wondered when it would happen.  Her patience was shown when she said to me, time and time again, "I guess He's not ready for me."  Humble and contrite for her sins, she had no doubt that Jesus was on the move to prepare a place for her in his Kingdom.  Marcella was also on the move as time and time again she showed an interest in me and my mother.  The Lord moved Marcella to not turn inward but outward toward heaven and in concern for those on her mind including her children whom she said she did not want to burden in any way.  Finally, Marcella was on the move for the Lord in strengthening my faith and hope in the Resurrection and I'm sure others who encountered her as she prayed out loud one time ......"forgive me my sins and bring me to everlasting life.

My brothers and sisters, there are indeed ways for all of us, many, until our dying day to keep on moving in ways that are good and healthy for us spiritually and otherwise and healthy and helpful for those we influence with faith, hope and love.  And that inspiration to move and that movement is available to and for us from the Holy Spirit that is within us.  He is ready to kindled like fire within us at all times.

There's a verse of a song that looks forward to our eternal movement with Jesus and with all all who have moved with and for Jesus to their dying day.

It is the third verse of the song:"We Are Called" and it in fact calls us to move our lips in song. "Sing sing a new song. Sing of that great day when all will be one. God will reign and we'll walk with each other as sisters and brothers, united in love."

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Mass Times

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday   9:00 am
Wednesday   5:00 pm
First Saturday   9:00 am
Saturday    5:00 pm 
Sunday   8:00 am
10:00 am
Holy Day Vigil (with obligation) As announced
Holy Day (with or without obligation)   9:00 am

Confession Schedule
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 8:40 to 8:55 am
Wednesday 4:00 to 4:45 pm
Saturday 4:00 to 4:45 pm
By Appointment Call Pastor