Picture yourself in a lovely park, sitting on a bench under the shade of a magnificent tree, feeling a gentle breeze wash over you, gazing at the clouds as they drift across the blue of the sky, smiling in appreciation of the songs of the birds. The best part of this scene is knowing who sits beside you - it is the One who loves you and will never leave you, the One who has created you and calls you by name.

Now picture yourself in a cozy chapel, sitting on a wooden bench gazing at the Body of Christ displayed in a gold monstrance just a few feet away on the altar.  Feel the peace of this lovely place, breathe in its silence and listen to your heart.  The best part of this scene is knowing who sits beside you.  He is here with you as always, He is with you.

What is the difference between these two scenes?  In the second one, you have chosen to be with Him.  You have chosen to give one hour to Him as He has chosen to stay beside you 24/7.  You have chosen to give your preference and sit with Him in His sacred place.

To give Him the gift of your presence as an adorer, e-mail Mike Kerwin, coordinator for the Sacred Heart of Jesus Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 922-1531 to schedule which day of the week and time of day you choose for coming to our chapel and visiting the One who has and will always love you best.