My Dear Brothers in Christ,

The 11th annual Arkansas Catholic Men's Conference will be held this year on "Super Bowl" Saturday, February 6, 2021.  The theme for this year's conference will be "Are you man enough to be like Jesus?"  A theme that will call all men to become the father, husband, son and brother that God wants us to be!  Our speakers this year will be Father Stephen Gadberry, Father Mauricio Carrasco and Deacon Danny Hartenedy.

Due to the continued threat of COVID-19, this year's conference will be virtual.  A link for the conference will go live at 9 a.m. on Saturday, February 6, 2021.  Despite not being able to meet in person, I'm confident that as in years past, this will be an exceptional conference that will not only challange the men of our Diocese but will also inspire and equip them with insights, perspectives and tools to become the Godly men our families and our society needs today.

Since the conference will be virtual this year, perhaps you could encourage watch parties in homes or in the Parish Hall.  Please be mindful of the CDC and our Diocesan guidelines with respect to Social Distancing and masks due to COVID-19.

Each year, the Arkansas Catholic Men's Conference has been a wonderful event for men across our Diocese to kick off the new year inspired to grow in their faith.  Please encourage the men of your Parish to register today at, follow us and participate in this years conference.

In this year that we celebrate Saint Joseph, faithful husband of Mary and courageous foster father of Jesus, let's ask his intercession for us and for this conference.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Anthony B. Taylor
Bishop of Little Rock