2015 Fr. Ron HoyePlease mark your calendars for October 4-6 as we prepare for our 2020 Parish Mission given by Fr. Ron Hoye, a Vincentian priest who inspired us through a mission experience five years ago - and is eager to join us again.  Fr. Hoye will be the homilist at all the Masses on October 3/4.  Fr. Ron's mission theme is "The Main Thing is to keep The Main Thing."  Fr. Hoye will begin our mission Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m.  There will be a morning session at 9:45 a.m. and repeated again at 7:00 p.m. in the main Church on Monday and Tuesday.  Plan to come an encourage others to come as well, no prior registration is needed.  Masked are required.  Donation in support of the Vincentian Missions are welcome and encouraged.  See you there!!