3rd Degree KofC LogoThe Knights of Columbus will be serving a Spaghetti Dinner on Friday, August 14 at 6:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall.  Come enjoy a Spaghetti Dinner prepared by Chef Ken Silvers and crew for only $10.00.  Meals will be delivered to your table by servers or you may order your dinner to be picked up.  Please bring a check made out to the Knights of Columbus for the exact amount.  Tickets will be at the door.  There will be a signup sheet in the narthex or email Johnny Broome at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for planning purposes.

Detailed list of precautionary measures - Please note:

All patrons must wear masks before entering and leaving the Lower Hall.
*  All patrons must have their temperature taken before entering the Lower Hall.
*  All patrons must stop before entering the Lower hall in a single file 6 ft apart from the person in front
    and behind them (an "X" will be taped to the floor for accurate social distancing requirements).
*  A 2-line formation will be allowed for easy access entry into the building.
*  Once patrons have been cleared for entry, tables will be filled starting from the front row and working
    toward the back.
*  Once everyone is seated, they will be allowed to remove their MASKS.
*  There will be no self-service at the bar.  You must allow the bartenders to mix it.
*  You must wear your mask and maintain 6 ft distancing while in line.
*  Seating will be limited to 80-100 people with 4 persons at a table unless there are additional family 
    members joining, then we can seat up to eight persons per table.
*  Meals will be delivered by servers or will be available for takeout.  Please stay at your table to insure
    social distancing.
*  When you are finished with your meal, you must put your mask back on to exit the Lower Hall.