Weekly OfferingWe DO need your stewardship to Sacred Heart Church and other Special ollections even as we refrain from celebrating Mass and other activites at Sacred Heart.  Please consider either mailing your stewardship to the Church, 295 Balearic Road, HSV, 71909, or drop it by the office during office hours, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon, or place it in the secure box designated in the Narthex.  

You may also give online at www.hsvsacredheart.com and simply follow these easy steps:

1.   Locate the "GIVE ONLINE" link located on the home page.
2.   Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your recurring contributions.

Online giving is convenient and allows you to set up automatic recurring contributions and view your complete on line giving history from anywhere you have access to the internet.  If you do not have access to a computer, you may call Sheila, our Bookkeeper at 501-922-2062, extension 12 and she can take your information, including how much and how often you want to give to our parish's needs to include the Building & Maintenance Fund along with other Special Collections.  You may also let her know how you want to give your stewardship, by credit card or automatic withdrawal from your bank account.  You may also want to contact her in the future regarding any changes you might want to make in your giving.