See if you can fill in the blanks to the following: "I am a ______Catholic." "I belong to the Diocese of ______ ____." "I am a parishioner of ______ _____ __ _____ ________ ______." (see answers below.) I hope you got all three right. I also hope you are proud to be counted among a large, larger, and largest group of faith-filled believers in Jesus Christ! We are blessed in many ways by our connection to one another in these groups of people. We are also called to be a blessing to the members and ministries that are offered to various people both within and outside of the Catholic faith. The "Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal" is the opportunity (and really, a calling) for every Catholic household in the Diocese of Little Rock to support ministries that have partial funding from various sources, and that NEED the support of ALL Catholics in Arkansas financially in order to fulfill their mission of doing the Lord's work in their area of ministry. I say "All" knowing that sadly less than twenty percent of all Catholic households in Arkansas traditionally have given something for the pastoral work that is going on, besides what their parishes are funding and doing. While our numbers at Sacred Heart Church are thankfully higher than that, we have quite a way to go to even be at the fifty percent level of participation. While I sincerely ask that those approximately 234 Sacred Heart Parish families who gave to CASA in 2023 be faithful in giving generously again in 2024, I strongly ask that those who did not give last year, will give SOMETHING this year and be counted as those who have a compassionate, caring heart for children, other youth, college students, seminarians, and many adults whose lives are being made more Christ-like and/or who are coming to know Christ through the help that is being given to them. Prayerfully consider what you will give and use the envelope you received in the mail or at church to make a pledge that can be satisfied over a ten month period this year or at least give a one-time contribution. Next week's bulletin will list all the ministries and groups of people that will be receiving needed help from Catholics all over Arkansas. My goal and emphasis this year will not only be on reaching and exceeding the financial goal the diocese has given us (which we thankfully have done almost every year) but to FAR EXCEED the numbers of households who give! PLEASE be one of those and know you are counted among the BLESSED in Arkansas for your gift! (Answers to the fill in the blanks above are Roman, Little Rock, and Sacred Heart of Jesus Church)