Since the start of our VIP (Very Important Parishioner) monthly recognition of parishioners who go beyond the pews and even the parish to give of thier God-given time and talents to the Lord and others, we have been blessed to offer thanks to God and acknowledge them in a variety of ways (including their pictures on a billboard in the hallway from the Narthex and a wall in the lower hall). Today I wanted to give a BIG SHOUT-OUT to many VIPS who worked together, some behind the scenes, and others in the liturgies and activities that surrounded the Easter Triduum which gave praise to teh Lord and touched the minds and hearts of those who participated in our parish. The behind the scenes people were our decorating group (headed by Sandy Darnell), our banner group (headed by Fred and Linney Rohrer), our wonderful altar linen person, Betty Mierzwoiak (with helper Ed Pawelski), our wonderful sacristan, Mark Lukasavige (and his assistants), the Men's Clug (headed by David Banaszynski) who did the set-up, clean-up, and serving of the delicious parish dinner on Holy Thursday (prepared by Chef Johnna), the ladies (headed up by Susan Harrell) who did the set-up, serving and clean-up of the Good Friday lunch (prepared, again, by Chef Johnna) and Dave Witchger who provided the amterials and set-up of he Easter Fire. The music ministry prople (headed up by Kathleen Kinney) worked hard behind the scenes and at ALL the liturgies of the Triduum (including both Masses on Easter Sunday) and helped us in lifting up our minds and our singing voices to the Lord in thanks for the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of the lord. I was blessed to have two deacons, BJ Bowen and Gary Christoff (both of our parish) covering all the liturgies starting with those for Palm Sunday.they certainly add greatly to the solemnity and importance of what we do up on the altar. Then there were the lectors whose efforts of practice were obvious in the wonderful way they proclaimed the important scripture passages of Palm Sunday and throughout the Triduum. Our  ushers came for practices and early for the liturgies and maeuvered beautifully the "unique" responsibilities they had for these special liturgies. The altar servers were also a blessing in what they practiced and did for our Holy Week liturgies. I dare not leave out our Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion at the liturgies and those who took Communion to our shut ins. Finally, there were our scheduled adorers who came to church to pray in helping to keep the Triduum as one long vigil from Thursday night until Saturday night (especially Lori Vincent who covered at least 3 hours in teh wee hours of Good Friday morning). If I could add up all these people and list all of their names, I would need much longer than the normal Pastor's "column". I am humbly and sincerely grateful for them and for their patience with me in the practices and liturgies. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!