I have a baseball cap that someone gave me that says "Man of Faith" on it. I haven't worn it all that much, but when I do it seems I'm much more conscious of what it says and means to me and hopefully to those who see it. It makes me think a little more before I speak to others and hopefully how I act toward others. We have a parishioner, Ed Doyle, who is our VIP for the month of March who, in my estimation, doesn't need to wear a hat because his words and actions say that he is a "man of faith", a "man of integrity" and a "man of action" in the name of Jesus Christ. Just recently he coordinated the parish men's retreat, which I have been told was a blessing to those men who took time to participate in it. Looking ahead, Ed is also coordinating the next Knights of Columbus Taste of Faith seminarian fundraising dinner here at Sacred Heart in July, which I'm confident will go well in large part because of his leadership. Ed has been the leader of our Knights of Columbus Council 10208 as its Grand Knight and the leader of our 4th degree Assembly as its Faithful Navigator. He and his wife, Paula (who is a past VIP) are Extraordinary Ministers of Communion at Mass and both have been faithful in the Ministry of Eucharistic Adoration since, I believe, its inception. In recent years, Ed stepped up when the need presented itself to be a faith formation leader for our young people in our REY program. Ed and his wife, Paula, have helped to welcome newcomers in our parish and inform them of what's happening here at Sacred Heart Parish as members of our welcoming committee. He has been a bible study group leader and participant as he seeks to grow in his faith and encourage others to do so. He has volunteered at Good Sam's and at Jackson House (which provides food and clothing for those in need of this help). Ed (and Paula) have been a blessing to our parish community (and to all who are helped thorugh our Knoghts of Columbus Council and Assembly) since they moved to the Village in 2002. At a time in his life when many people step back from activities (and ministries) Ed has shown and continues to give an example to us all thot our baptismal commitment is a lifelong calling amd commitment and something we can do in various ways until our physical and/or mental abilities prevent us from doing so. I can't think of a better person to have as our VIP for the Lenten Season that Ed Doyle. Thanks Ed, and firstly, thank the Lord for the gift that Ed has been and continues to be for us and for the honor and glory of God.