In light of the terrible natural disaster in Texas due to the effects of Hurricane Harvey, I'm sure that there are already people making the claim that this phenomena is as "act of God" that is punishment for something that has been done or many things that have been done to anger God.  While the Old Testament story of the plagues being sent upon the Egyptians by God to push Pharoah to let the people of Israel leave their slavery in Egypt, might be quoted to say that "maybe" God has caused this hurricane and its effects to happen, I hope we would not be tempted to draw such a conclusion.  Instead, it seems clear that God is inspiring many people (including I hope, many of us) to come to the aid of the victims of this disaster in a variety of ways.  Firstly, our prayers for the victims and those who are physically working to come to their aid are powerful and needed now and for probably, a long time to come.  Secondly, our financial gifts are certainly needed and will be very much appreciated and used as needed.  If you were not ready to give a generous donation this weekend at Mass, please do so soon, and send your checks to our parish or bring it next week in an envelope marked "Hurricane Disaster Relief."  Our checks should be made out to Sacred Heart Church, as we will be sending one check to Catholic Charities USA.

It is indeed a blessing to hear so many stories of heroism and compassion in the aftermath of this terrible tragedy!  Know with confidence and trust that the Lord is working to bring comfort and hope to those in need.  He ALWAYS does.