I truly hope you were as overwhelmed as much as I was by the information that was supplied last weekend (by Dave Witchger-thanks) which spelled out in detail all the charitable giving that came through Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish for the calendar year 2016.  The number of beneficiaries that resulted from the generous giving of time, talent and treasure were many and varied, from the poor (i.e., Jackson House, Samaritan Ministries), to young people (i.e., St. John's and Our Lady of Fatima Schools), to missionary efforts in our country and around the world and many others including our seminarians and retired priest and religious.  While the amount of money that was given through the stewardship of Sacred Heart Parishioners was very impressive ($331,187), I am equally impressed and thankful for the efforts of our parish organizations: Ladies of the Sacred Heart-$13,000, Sacred Heart Men's Club-$9,500, Knights of Columbus Council 10208-$113,250, as these funds were raised due to much time and effort being exerted behind the scenes and during fund-raising activities.

As we have started the season of Lent which stressed almsgiving (which we encourage especially through Operation Rice Bowl which benefits Catholic Relief Services), I can say with confidence that almsgiving is going on in this parish all the time which speaks loudly of a commitment to Jesus that is spoken in Church (especially through the recitation of the Creed) and in action-on a regular basis both at our church and in the community at large.

I pray that those who have not given much or any, will be inspired to share in the many ways that we are being Christ to others, especially to those in need, and consider joining our parish organizations that are doing so much and building good and positive relationships with one another.  God bless you all!