Last week's Pastor's Column was devoted to liturgical ministries that help make our Masses so beautiful, meaningful and functional.  I hope you are considering offering yourself in one of these ministries in answer to your Baptismal call to serve the Lord and His people.

Another area of ministry that is so vital to our mission as "The Church of God" that is at Sacred Heart in Hot Springs Village, is our Social Justice and Charitable Outreach ministry.  Actually, many of you are involved in this ministry even if you aren't consciously award of it through your stewardship of money to our local parish church.  We are able, through your generosity, to help many worthy and needy people through Church and secular organizations, especially those close to home.  Once a year we publish a listing of all those "charities" that are helped by our parish, and in case you don't remember, that list is long and diverse.  We also have a social outreach committee that works together in assessing the needs of people in the area who come to us with various needs, and we try to help them with paying bills and in connecting them with ongoing services that can assist them.  This commission also includes our Respect Life Committee, our Helping Hands Ministry that especially assists our parishioners who, due to age and deteriorating health, need assistance with transportation and other forms of care.  We also have a group of "Rosary Makers" who get together weekly to make rosaries to send to "mission churches," and our Shawl Makers who use their talents to make "prayer shawls" for people who need to feel the warmth of God's love and the love of His people.

Everyone can be involved in social justice endeavors in which we "March for Life" as we did last weekend, and in legislative efforts like the one I urged last week, Senate Bill 112 that will give tax credits or breaks to those who are spending money to educate their children in various settings.  Finally, I must not forget our "basket program" that always needs volunteers to help provide food (and at Christmas, gifts) to families at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.

One of the greatest calls and blessings of our faith is to "help others" and our parish outreach, in the ways I have mentioned and through the Knights of Columbus, Men's Club and Ladies of the Sacred Heart, speaks strongly and regularly of Christ's compassion and love for those in need.  Please consider participating in one of more of these ministries with your time, talent and treasure!